Call for Abstracts

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Home Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts: Exploring Psychiatry with MR


The MR in Psychiatry workshop of ISMRM, a leading platform for pioneering research at the intersection of Radiology and Psychiatry, is excited to announce a call for abstracts for our upcoming workshop on MR for Psychiatry. We are seeking innovative and impactful research that explores the use of Magnetic Resonance (MR) techniques in understanding, diagnosing, and treating psychiatric disorders. This call opens an invitation to researchers, clinicians, and students who are working on the frontlines of psychoradiology to share their findings and contribute to this rapidly evolving field.


Topics of Interest (but not limited to)


- Advanced MR Imaging Techniques in Psychiatric Disorders

- Functional MRI (fMRI) Applications in Psychiatry

- Structural and Morphological Brain Changes in Mental Health Conditions

- MR Spectroscopy in Neurotransmitter and Metabolite Analysis

- Machine Learning and AI Approaches in MR Data for Psychiatric Diagnosis

- Longitudinal MR Studies on the Effects of Psychiatric Medications

- Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Psychiatric Disorder Prediction and Prognosis

- Case Studies Utilizing MRI in Clinical Psychiatry Settings


Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Suggested Abstract Format SAME AS ISMRM ABSTRACT!

We recommend including the following sections, although we also note that there are often good reasons to deviate from this format. In each section, answer the question listed below (do not repeat the actual question in the body of your abstract).

INTRODUCTION: “Why was this study/research performed? What unsolved problem are you addressing?”

METHODS: “How did you study this problem?”

RESULTS: “Report the data, analyses and/or outcomes”

DISCUSSION: “How do you interpret the results?”

CONCLUSION: “What is the relevance to clinical practice or future research?”

REFERENCES: References should use the suggested style below.


Word Limits
The following word limits will apply: 

- Title: 125 characters 
- Author, Institution: No word limit
- Synopsis: 100 words
- Body of the Abstract: 850 words (references not included) 
- Summary of Main Findings: 250 Characters (~35 words) 
- Figures: up to 5 only
- Figure Captions: 500 characters per caption



Abstracts should be submitted electronically as a Word document attachment to In the subject line, please mention “Abstract Submission - [Your Abstract Title]”.


Important Dates:

- submission deadlineJuly 7th,2024


We look forward to receiving your abstracts and advancing the field of Psychoradiology together. For detailed submission guidelines and more information, please visit our website or contact us at